GT YA is a community of young adults in the greater Greene County area and beyond.
Join us for an engaging and uplifting time. We gather every other Monday night at 6pm to connect, grow, and navigate the journey of faith together.
This ministry is specifically designed for individuals aged 18 to 30 who are passionate about deepening their faith, building authentic relationships, and exploring how to apply biblical principles in their everyday lives. We engage in thought-provoking discussions, dive into scripture, and share personal insights and experiences. We create a warm and welcoming environment where you can feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and asking questions. As we journey together, we seek to support and encourage one another through the challenges and triumphs of this unique phase of life.
Whether you're a college student, a young professional, or simply navigating the exciting transition into adulthood, this ministry is the perfect place to find community, gain spiritual nourishment, and make lifelong friends. Don't miss out on the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, deepen your faith, and experience the joys of community in a Christ-centered context.
Feel free to reach out to Pastor Jamin to learn more about our meetings, upcoming events, and how you can get involved. We look forward to hearing from you! He will be happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with additional details about the ministry.
(412) 612.8512